Quality Policy

NPI is committed to identify, determine and satisfy the customer requirements by Manufacturing, Sales and Distribution of Oral Pharmaceutical Products in a safe, efficacious, cost-effective and consistent manner.

We ensure compliance and strict adherence to quality management system, legal, regulatory, statutory & other applicable standards, proactive identification of potential risks & opportunities, prevent or reduce undesired effects, vendor development program & strive for continual improvement.

Quality objectives:
● Ensure business continuity and profitability;
● Ensure on-time delivery and availability of stock;
● Invest in training and competence development;
● Stringent in-process control system, research and development, innovation and technology transfer;
● Identify potential risks & opportunities in our processes and monitor/take applicable actions;
● Enhance customer satisfaction;
● Maintain mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders & interested parties;

NPI will ensure that the policy is reviewed, made available to interested parties and amended as appropriate inline to the organizational objectives, management system requirements & business needs.